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15. En devisant ainsi. While chatting thus.

20. Garni de pampres et de clématite. Covered with vine-branches and virgin’s bower.

22. D’un blanc criard. Of a loud whiteness.

17.— 8. À quoi bon ces plaintes. Of what use are these complaints.

23. À toute épreuve. Proof against any trial.

30. À coup sûr. Certainly.

18.— 6. Dès lors… qui n’en peut mais. Therefore… who cannot help it. Mais, in this case, has the meaning of its Lat. origin, magis, more.

15. Elle a doublé le cap des tempêtes. She has doubled the tempestuous cape.

16. Elle a pris le pli et le goût de l’immobilité. Her taste and inclination tend to become fixed.

29. Se refusent. Repel us.

36. M’est avis… qui vaille. It is my opinion… noteworthy.

20.— 13. Bruyères roses et de genêts sagittés. Heather-roses and arrow-headed broom.

32. La barrière à claire-voie. The gate made of open-work.

21.— 12. La véronique et la flèche d’eau. Speedwell and arrowhead.

18. Qui avait sa sortie de derrière sur la cour d’exploitation. Which had a back-door opening upon the work-yard.

21. Rez-de chaussée. Ground-floor. Rez, an old noun, now a preposition (Lat. rasus [p.p. of radere], from which ras, on a level with). Chaussée (corresponding to a Latin participle, calciata [from calx, limestone) is a road made of crushed limestone.

22. Prend le jour et la vue sur. Looks out upon.

33. Passe-roses. Hollyhock.

22.-2. Œillets. Pinks.

4. Le vieux buis destiné aux palmes du dimanche des Rameaux. The ancient box destined for palms on Palm-Sunday.

5. Libres ramures. Untrimmed branches.

13. Le chemin encaissé. A road with steep banks.

22. Tu deviens très-rare. You are getting to be quite a stranger.

24.— 32. Il s’agit donc. The matter in question is doubtless. S’agir is used only in the 3d p. sing. and always followed by de before a noun, pronoun, or infinitive.

25.— 7. M’envoyer promener. Send me away.

20. Comme tu y vas. How you go on !

27. Rien que je sache. Nothing more as far as I know. Que, in